Anchored Devotional and Prayer Journal
God’s character, purposes, and promises are unchangeable. That’s hard for us to imagine since we live in a world that’s constantly in flux. This journal is designed to enable believers to thrive in the midst of crisis or challenges they may face in relationships, ministry, the marketplace, or their faith. Each of us can remember times when we wished we had a sure word from God—something we could cling to when waves of doubt and fear arose. God knows we need encouragement, guidance, and hope. This is why He provides anchors, specific promises in His Word, that we might understand His nature and trust Him. In emotionally devastating times, God’s promises are essential to our spiritual welfare. With so much going on around us, we can often lose sight of why we exist. However, the scriptures hold numerous promises and references to God’s nature. As the reader uses an inductive method to meditate upon and pray through scripture, they will be privy to God’s goodness, greatness, and faithfulness displayed in daily life. Jesus. As believers intercede according to God’s thoughts, they will more clearly see His promises are an anchor that will enable them to weather any storm.